Do you have data for countries other than the US and Canada?

Unfortunately, we're not a good fit to help with demographics outside of the US or Canada. However, I have 2 hopefully helpful resources below:

1. Statista's Data Portal FYI: if Statista's portal doesn't have what you need, those guys can do custom research for $900 per day and require a minimum of 5 man-days per project.

And here’s my contact's info over there just in case you want it.

Sebastian Schumann Senior Analyst Statista GmbH Telefon +49 40 284841-805

2. Webster Pacific We create HNWI and population demographics in countries where it is difficult to find granular data. In the US, the census is such high quality, there really is little need for our work. Proximal to the US, our data would be valuable in certain countries in South and Central America. Otherwise, it is hugely useful in China and many other countries.

Steve Bazant | Consultant Webster Pacific, LLC 601 California St, Suite 1900 l San Francisco, CA 94108 Office: 1 (415) 733-9722 l Cell: 1 (857) 753-0764 Skype: steve.bazant LinkedIn:


If you have a good or poor experience with either of these 2 companies, will you please let me know? I only want to make helpful recommendations. Thanks!

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