Do you have data other than income data?
Our list of data can be a little overwhelming. Sometimes, folks prefer to have a quick conversation, and we can recommend data rather than digging through the lists. But others really like to see all of their options listed out. If you prefer to chat, call 1.800.939.2130 and ask for Kristen.
The #1 most popular dataset we pull from is the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Here's an Excel file that lists out the 1000+ tables in the American Community Survey. If you don't want to review all of the tables in the Excel file, below is a list of American Community Survey tables that we pull often.
Basic Demographics
- Total Population
- Sex
- Age distribution (e.g. under 5 years)
- Median Age
- Race/Ethnicity
Social Characteristics
- Household type (married couple family)
- Average Household size, avg family size
- Educational Attainment
- Disability Status
- Residence 1 year ago (e.g. same house, etc.)
- Place of birth (e.g. foreign born)
- Language Spoken at home
- Ancestry (Afghan, Albanian)
- Computer/Internet Access - not available for zips/ZCTAs
Economic Characteristics
- Employment Status (e.g. unemployed)
- Means of Transportation to work (e.g. car)
- Occupation (e.g. Management)
- Industry (e.g. Agriculture)
- Class of Worker (e.g. government)
- Income distribution (e.g. less than $10K)
- Median Household Income
- Mean Household Income
- Per Cap Income
- Health Insurance Coverage
- Poverty % for all families
- Poverty % for all people
Housing Characteristics
- Housing Units
- Occupied/Vacant
- Units in Structure (e.g. 20 or more units)
- Year structure built
- Tenure (owner vs renter occupied)
- Value distribution (e.g. Less than $50K)
- Median value
- Mortgage status
- Gross rent distribution
- Median Gross rent